Codex Gamicus
Item quality
Basic Information

In video gaming, Item quality is a way of determining, usually by color-coding, the "rarity" or "power" of a given item or piece of gear. In tabletop gaming, this is usually accomplished by denoting "+n", where n is a numerical figure; video gaming, because of its nature of being interface-driven, will often use color to denote such power, although this doesn't hold true for every game. The most common video games where item quality is being used are MMOs, where different quality tiers can be found across this genre.


These items, sometimes represented by a light green color, are slightly-above-average quality items, providing a modest boost in stats over common-quality items.


Also known as Superior, this quality of item provides superior stats over an Uncommon-quality item of the same type. This item is typically colored blue.


Epic items, typically colored purple, normally signify the highest item quality possible through normal gameplay, and typically provide superior stats over Rare-quality items of the same type.


Legendary items, typically colored orange, typically represent a reward after a significant time investment in a quest chain, and typically provide the highest stats for their gear type.


Artifacts, with color varying by game from light gold, to purple, to orange, are typically specific items tied to a race or class.


Typically found in World of Warcraft and colored light blue, these items are used to provide experience and stat boosts to low-level characters while they participate in the levelling system.
