Codex Gamicus

Yakuza 5

Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Yakuza 5 instructions for those that are new to the game.

Battle Tips (UNFINISHED!)[ | ]

All Characters[ | ]

  • You should always block an attack whenever an enemy attacks you.
  • You always have to do a heat action whenever it is important or possible.

Kiryu-Only[ | ]

  • Kiryu's rising uppercut is useful for finishing blows.

Saejima-Only[ | ]

  • NaN

Akiyama-Only[ | ]

  • NaN

Shinada-Only[ | ]

  • NaN

Controls[ | ]

Free Roam[ | ]

Run[ | ]

Analog Stick (left stick)

Look[ | ]

Analog Stick (right stick)

Walk[ | ]

R1 button (must hold) or move the Analog Stick (left stick) slowly

Pause[ | ]

Start button

In Battle[ | ]

Light Attacks[ | ]

Square button x 4

Heavy Attack/Perform Heat Action[ | ]

Triangle button

Grab[ | ]

X button

Throw (while grabbing only)[ | ]

X button

Shift (Lock-on)[ | ]

R1 button (must hold, or else you will stop shifting.)

Taunt/Activate Red Dragon Spirit[ | ]

  • TIP: You can only activate the red dragon spirit during heat mode. (also, red dragon spirit can only be activated by kiryu.)

R2 button

Rush Combos[ | ]

Vicious Punch[ | ]

Square button, Triangle button x 1/2

Body Blow[ | ]

Square button x 2, Triangle button x 1/2

Rising Uppercut[ | ]

Square button x 3, Triangle button x 1/2

Kick Combo[ | ]

Square button x 4, Triangle button x 1/2
