Codex Gamicus

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Cheat Codes

Game version 1.1 Enter them in the console by pressing Control-Shift-Tilde (~). Works in both single and multiplay.

Code Effect cheat_requisition( n ) Give yourself "n" units of requisition
cheat_killself Kill yourself
cheat_power( n ) Give yourself "n" units of power
cheat_revealall Reveal all FOW


Activate the console by pressing Control-Shift-Tilde (~) and type the following:


This will display a graph in the top right corner of the screen, with the current frame-per-second rate.

See Also

  • Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault
  • Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade