Codex Gamicus

The First generation of Pokémon refers to the first one-hundred-and-fifty-one Pokémon available to players, as well as the moves available to them. In general, this generation include the following video games:

  • Pokémon Blue Version
  • Pokémon Green Version
  • Pokémon Red Version
  • Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition


Pokémon Members

The Pokémon listed here are in the original games' Pokédex numerical order.
  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Ivysaur
  3. Venusaur
  4. Charmander
  5. Charmeleon
  6. Charizard
  7. Squirtle
  8. Wartortle
  9. Blastoise
  10. Caterpie
  11. Metapod
  12. Butterfree
  13. Weedle
  14. Kakuna
  15. Beedrill